Assignment Three

Due June 15th, 11:59 PM HOL-time

Here you will find a range of options for completing your assignment. Pick whichever you like but remember We will only be grading the first 60 points worth of work you complete - you can do more options for fun if you like but you won't be able to earn additional points for them.

Send all work in one email to with the subject line "Herbology-Lesson 3-Hol Name". For example, if I was submitting, my subject line would read: Herbology-Lesson 3-Sky Alton. Please remember to also put your Hol Name and House at the top of the email!

No attachments will be opened - this includes Google Drive links and similar. If you submit an image as part of your assignment, please upload it to an image hosting website and send the link.

Short Answers (20 points, 2 points each)

Please answer in complete sentences and in your own words (don't just copy/paste from the lesson)

1. Why is knotgrass called knotgrass?

2. What potions is shrivelfig juice used for?

3. What colour is bubotuber pus?

4. What part of asphodel is most useful for magical purposes?

5. What does deciduous mean?

6. Why does knotgrass have a reputation for springing up out of nowhere?

7. What can dittany do when you combine it with silver?

8. What is valerian famous for?

9. Why should you be cautious with wormwood?

10. Which Greek deity is asphodel associated with?

Fill in the Blanks (10 points, 1 point each)

1. It possesses magic particularly suited to '_____', 'binding' or '_____': for instance, it's use in _____ potion to tie one person to the flesh of another.

2. As well as growing _____, this is one of the most _____ reasons behind the enduring relationship between humans and plants. For _____ people have passed down knowledge about which plants can be used to heal certain _____ or achieve certain things.

3. The leaves are also covered in _____ white _____ (spiky, fibrous structures that look like _____).

Matching (10 points, 2 points each)

Here are some other names (both common names and formal Latin names) for the plants we covered today that I didn't mention in the lesson. Match them with the plant they relate to. Note: the common name might refer to many types of plant, all with their own Latin name so just look for one that approximately matches a plant from the lesson.

Write out your answers as 1-A, 2-B etc (those are almost certainly not actual answers)

1. Valerian

2. Wormwood

3. Asphodel

4. Knotgrass

5. Dittany

A. Artemisia absinthium

B. Polygonum aviculare

C. Setwall

D. Origanum dictamnus

E. Royal Staff

Research (10 points)

Profile another medicinal plant or potions ingredient (either magical or non-magical) that we didn't have time to cover in the lesson. You must write out your findings in your own words. (minimum 100 words)

How Did That Happen? (10 points)

I've often wondered how on earth the potioneer Sacharissa Tugwood discovered that diluted bubotuber pus was good for the skin. What could possibly have led her to try it out? Come up with the story behind the discovery. (minimum 100 words)

Always Check the Label (20 points)

In a graphic, design a label for a box, jar, bottle or packet of one of the ingredients we discussed this lesson. It should show the name and a picture of part or all of the plant. You should also include some information such as quantities, safety tips, instructions for use or suggestions about what to do with it.

Greenhouse Tales (20 points)

Tell me about your experiences during this lesson. How did you fair amongst the medicinal plants and potions ingredients? Did you stay well back from the bubotubers? Did you recognise any of the plants from potions class? Include anything you can think of providing it's on topic. (minimum 200 words)

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